It's December! 2018 officially arrives in less than three weeks.
As the festivity draws near, Christmas round the corner, I reminded myself and my students to keep up the practice, be it attending classes or home practice, to finish strong!
During this time, I sat and reflected upon my yoga over the passed years. It has been a humbling journey, a deep dive and reconnection to 'home'. A lot of times, I learned the hard way. There was pain and joy, there was disappointment and celebration, there was self-limiting beliefs and great sense of empowerment, there was vulnerability and stability.
Reminiscing on my practice journey, there were choices that have supported my growth, and some less so. I would love to share some of my learnings, experiences and pitfalls.
Develop and sustain a reliable consistent self-practice
Practice with deep self-inquiry (not acquisition) with interest and curiosity
Learning from mistakes and pitfalls, to practice self-empathy instead of blame and shame
Responding to the messages of my body through sensing and feeling attentively... honestly
Allowing space and pace in my practice and teaching, and not be demotivated by competition and judgements (from self and others)
Ample rest... I mean a lot of rest! I often failed to offer my best self when there is a rest-deficit
Reflection and integration through meditation and journalling
Support from my sangha (my teachers, mentors, peers, students, family and friends)
Away on retreat at least once a year to reset my rhythm, with 100% immersion on self-care
Svadhyaya (self-study)
​By sharing this, my wish is to first connect with you, and for you to know that you are not alone on the mat. I am on the mat with you right now. A world of yoga practitioners are on the journey with you today. Secondly, I hope this may inspire and reignite the fire in your yoga and self-care. Finally, by sharing this openly and honestly, I allow myself to express my truth and vulnerability. With Gratitude.
Questions for reflection:
How and what is your support structure for your yoga? Do share by replying.