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My Self Practice (sadhana)

As I was preparing the content for my workshop 'Guide to Self-practice', I sat and reflected upon my personal practice over the past 20 years. It has been a humbling journey. I have experienced moments of pain and joy, disappointment and celebration, self-limiting beliefs and self-sovereignty, vulnerability and stability. It is a learning which keeps me curious and interested... the effort and sweetness of growth.

Developing a self-practice is a gradual establishing of TRUST and ACCEPTANCE. It is most satisfying and joyful to feel empowered to choose from moment to moment, to know that I could nurture me through self practice.

It has been, and still is a rich and humbling experience. It is often not the victory and triumph in achieving ten minutes headstand, or being able to sit an hour for meditation, rather it is the feeling of high and low, ebbs and flows, that supported my learning and resilience. At ease and balance, the middle path, the 'Dao' of practising, living and being. Balance in the online dictionary states 'a situation in which different elementsare equal or in the correct proportions'. Balance is not a static, rigid form or state of being. It is not only about the high and the winnings.

This is a work in progress, and we all at some point, start somewhere. I started to learn more intimately about myself on the mat some years ago, I started with a focused determination (Abhyasa), and sustained perseverance on my sadhana(practice). I am happy to share in honesty what has worked for me, which has allowed me to begin trusting myself day by day.

  • Reliable and consistent self-practice

  • Deep self-inquiry with interest and curiosity

  • Responding to the messages of my body through sensing and feeling attentively, objectively, compassionately

  • Learn from mistakes and pitfalls, to practice self-empathy. No to blame, guilt or shame

  • Balance between sustained determination and surrender (Abhyasa Vairagya)

  • Allowing space and pace for my exploration, and not to be affected by competition and judgements (from self and others)

It is my intention to continue sharing and inspiring our practice and living. See you on the mat soon!

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